


My pride and joy: Fox Model 900 Contrabassoon. Saved up for 15 years to afford it - second most expensive item I own! Now I play it as often as possible. Sadly, not enough orchestral music makes use of it. :( So when not needed, I play the normal (tenor) bassoon.


Over the years I have been involved in many community orchestras and bands. Here's a list of those that I can remember:

In addition to these main groups where I have at least been a regular player, I've done call work with most orchestras within the Seattle and Sydney area over the years.


As a bassoonist, there is a large call for your skills. There are not many players around, which means when needing an orchestra for a musical, a phone call is not far away. I've played with all the local musical/light opera companies in the Sydney area. The following is a selection of musicals that I've played. There's probably many more that I have forgotten.